If you'd like to look back at my prior 30-Day Challenge photos, click here to go to my main blog page, Buff's Blog, which includes links on the right side to all of my other "bloglets."

Continuing Neon #4

Continuing Neon #4
Even More Neons!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
Still More Neon!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
More Neon!

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge
September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 24 - Johnny Rockets

Ok, before anyone jumps all over me for today's title, Johnny Rockets does NOT have an apostrophe!  I even Googled it to make sure that the logo/sign here didn't have one on purpose.  So there!

Johnny Rockets is a burger joint, that, according to my Googling, is worldwide now, though it started in my home town, Los Angeles.  Burgers, fries, malts, shakes.  They've got 'em.  Chrome, vinyl, jukeboxes, check.   And they've got the neon, too - a true throwback to the Neon Age of yore.


  1. Chrome, vinyl, jukeboxes - what else do you need?!

    Another good one!

  2. I think what I like about today's shot is the "rightness" about the composition. It's very pleasing to the eye. Very nice shot.

  3. We don't have one here, but I think retro is so in right now, I'm sure it would be a great success.

    Very cool shot by the way; I almost don't want the month to end, so that I can continue to come here and see a new sign each day!

  4. They make a great burger and fries there also! We had one in Reno, Nevada and an In and Out burger as well. :-)

  5. Sounds & looks like a cool burgerchain but as far as I know we don't have them. We do have an increasing amount of US fastfoodchains though.

  6. This one looks as though it was a little more difficult to photograph?

  7. Well, it was not more difficult per se, but unlike the others which have mostly been in windows or on walls, this is a sign that is way up high over a restaurant on its own structure. It's not exactly consistent with my theme, but it was so bright and colorful that I just had to shoot it and include it!

  8. A bit different to your other ones, but at the same time, it still fits in nicely. Can't say I've ever heard of it before, and I actually wouldn't have picked up on any supposed lack of apostrophe until you pointed it out ;)
