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Continuing Neon #4

Continuing Neon #4
Even More Neons!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
Still More Neon!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
More Neon!

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge
September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 12 - Tanning Salon

Tonight's image was fairly easy.  No long driving trips because we'd passed by this little strip mall last night and seen several colorful neon signs in the distance.  We didn't stop then, just noted where some signs could be found.  So tonight it was a matter of driving for about 5 - 10 minutes to get to the location.  I was pleasantly surprised by the actual sign, since I'd just seen some vague colors last night.  The graphics look like they could have been lifted from a child's drawing of a sun, a palm tree and a bird!  It's been a real eye opener to notice the difference in the sophistication of various signs.  I just never paid particular attention to them before.


  1. You've certainly opened my eyes to neon signs which I had never taken much notice of before. I'm really enjoying your theme.

  2. You are right, this one has a definite childlike feeling to it. I also enjoy really taking a good look at these signs and how important it is to bring the essence down to a very minimal amount of lines. Too many and it can look messy and entangled. Much more artistic than most would imagine. Thanks for opening our eyes.

  3. Yup, this is a great lesson on minimalism. The primitive artwork in this one compared to some of the amazingly simple designs of some of your others is very interesting!

  4. A little more abstract in the line work on this one.

  5. Very colorful display.

  6. I'm intruiged by the umbrella look of the palm beneath the letter.

  7. Simple but effective although I think from a distance it could easily be mistaken for a travel agents.

  8. A lot simpler and less fancy than some of the others, for sure!

  9. Has a modern feel to it; maybe it is the childlike style or maybe that a tanning salon wouldn't have been around 50 years ago.
    Another lovely example of NEON!
