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Continuing Neon #4

Continuing Neon #4
Even More Neons!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
Still More Neon!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
More Neon!

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge
September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 21 - Hot Coffee!

I found this sign a little 'odd' in that the colors of the coffee cup are cool colors, yet they are there to portray warm coffee.  The combination of the cool blue and magenta didn't seem to be a 'fit' with the warm red of the letters in the word open, either.   Maybe that's what attracted my attention - the clash and tension of the colors?  No matter, since I liked the graphics of the sign and continue to be amazed by the simple lines that create an apparent 3-D image.

The posting is a little late (16 minutes) because I've been watching Dancing With The Stars opening week!  But not to worry, I'm already out of contention for the HxH at the end of the 30 days.   :)


  1. I agree about the colours but I think it's a really welcoming sign.

  2. I like the design, but I agree with you about the colours. In saying that though, it wouldn't be enough to turn me off going in! :P

  3. I was a bit surprised by the magenta for the saucer, but I wonder sometimes if a client asks for something in X colors and they have to fit it in. I do feel though, that just like other artwork, (such as photography or illustration)that you can probably guess who made this one. To me the way the depth is handled is very similar to the rim in the ice-cream cone for Tastee Freez and I would not be in the least surprised that they would be made by the same artist. I actually thought of the Tastee Freez the moment I saw it. Great stuff, Carol. I'm so glad you are sticking with it!

  4. There is a bit of color theory at work in the design going from cool colors at the top and getting warmer with each color to the hot red at the bottom.

  5. Actually I like the colours and the simplicity with the added joyeux swirls.

  6. Maybe the colors are meant to encourage you to sit back, relax and have a cup of coffee?
