If you'd like to look back at my prior 30-Day Challenge photos, click here to go to my main blog page, Buff's Blog, which includes links on the right side to all of my other "bloglets."

Continuing Neon #4

Continuing Neon #4
Even More Neons!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
Still More Neon!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
More Neon!

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge
September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 30 - Kirin and Sushi -Let's Celebrate!

I just love this neon sign!!!  When I came across it I just knew I'd take it for my last day's image!  I figured I started with beer, and might as well end with it, since the beer neons are so interesting in themselves.  But I also got a kick out of the image.  It first looked to me like a little R2D2 on wheels with orange eyes and straws sticking out of its mouth.  Only after looking more closely, and after reading "sushi" (which I figured they must have put in because other people didn't get it either), did I realize that it's not a little monster/robot, but a footed plate with chopsticks, some shrimp sushi, and two slices of sushi rolls.  Heck, maybe they're even California rolls!  Regardless, I still look at it and see a little rolling character!

So, Maggie, sorry, it's not a neon with my hometown immortalized; I hope you're not too disappointed!

I want to sincerely thank all of you who have stopped by during the 30-day challenge and  those of you took the time to leave a comment.  I looked forward to reading them and they did keep me going.  My neon quests were fun, but dragging myself out sometimes wasn't! 

I will post more neons that I took on various days that didn't make it in because they didn't fit the evolving theme, and I will continue to go out and look for more fun neon signs to add.  It's really been an eye-opener to discover signs that I've passed many times and never noticed.  I hope you will also become more aware of the neon art in your own areas!


  1. Bravo! This one's a beaut. Thanks for the journey. I loved the dailies, but the collage with all of them at the top of this page is spectacular.

  2. HAHA! The only disappointment I have is that I was wrong. LOL. I was thinking that you were going to finish with a neon sign for Corona Beer, to immortalize Corona del Mar. This is completely different, but I love it and a great pic to finish with.

    Oddly, I saw the sushi at once, after reading your description (and laughing aloud, I might add) of an R2D2 figure on wheels with straws coming out of it's mouth, now that is all I can see! LOL!

    Congrats on completing the month. I know you will not participate in the final hxh as you couldn't upload while you were away, but you still did the challenge and deserve kudos!
    Well done, Carol, I will be coming by weekly to check up and see if you have added any new pics.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! on getting to the end. What a fine collection you have here :-)
    Today's sign is a fun sign and very appealing.

  4. Yea!! You did it!! A great ending to a spectacular collection! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment every day. Great job!

  5. Big congrats to you. What a fantastic sign to end the month. I'looking forward to more additions to honour the art of neon. When looking around in my area of the world most of the neons these days are only made of fonts with sometimes a bit of graphic lines. Most of them hang stories high on officebuildings so they are hard to shoot.
