If you'd like to look back at my prior 30-Day Challenge photos, click here to go to my main blog page, Buff's Blog, which includes links on the right side to all of my other "bloglets."

Continuing Neon #4

Continuing Neon #4
Even More Neons!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
Still More Neon!

Continuing Neon

Continuing Neon
More Neon!

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge
September 2010 30-Day Photo Challenge

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 17 - Bubbly Coca Cola

I got back from my short vacation tonight, and after unpacking the suitcase and having a small dinner, immediately came to my computer to get my photos ready for my blog!  How dedicated (read crazy) is that?

The main street in Park City, Utah has a lot of old and funky buildings, with some very interesting signs, both neon and non-neon.  I loved this sign.  It's not a regular sign, per se.  The little effervescent bubbles light up sequentially over and over again.  It took me about three shots to get them all lit up at the same time!  It's a neat sign, and I really loved watching the bubbles (I'm easily amused), but I still can't figure out what that line in the middle of the "l" in cola is for!


  1. oh, I love this! Very, very cool! Love those little bubbles, I guess I would also be fascinated to watch them blink on and off. I'm such a child. ;-)

    As for the line coming out of the L, in Cola, I think that perhaps one part of the Cola sign is not working. If you look at the Coca Cola logo, the Second "C" 's tip at the top continues as a swirl and ends up passing through the "L".

    It's too bad you're out of the hxh, but I'm so pleased you are sticking with the challenge. Your blog is one of my favorites to visit.

  2. Very nice! I think the line is the straw...

  3. Both C's are different so perhaps it's just an artists contribution to the sign.
    Or the straw like Rick mentioned, this was my first thought as well.
    Anyway you captured it well and it's a great addition to your poster.

  4. The line that is the straw is a different one than the one Buff is talking about. Just google CocaCola logo and you'll understand what I mean.

  5. Eury gets the prize. She's right! The traditional Coca Cola logo has that curvy line.

    However, I've lightened up the neon sign to way-too-light, and there is no missing darkened part of the sign showing that curvy logo. Just what you see. Maybe it's not an "official" Coca Cola sign....

  6. I didn't immediately recognise it as a glass - looked more like a shoe at first look.

  7. Love the colours, and even though it's detailed, it still has that simplistic look to it. Or maybe it's all the curviness that I like. Either way, it's cool :)

  8. Isn't it something, sometimes the movement catches our eye, and is amusing, other times, the flashy blinky things are just annoying. This looks like a cool one :)

  9. These are truly amazing!!You done such a great job there superb keep it up...
